Thursday, October 21, 2010
Ask Lola Answers: Infertility, governor, husbandses, and the like.
I am not a Republican. I am not a Democrat. I think both parties are hopelessly corrupted, flawed, and in desperate need of some good, old fashioned integrity. (Ha ha - I'm both funny AND delusional - go me!) That being said, I will admit that my political views tend to lean toward those of the republican party much of the time. (Pro-life, less government, more "Of the people*by the people*for the people ...and such)
In regard to the race for governor, all I have to say is this:
Peter Corroon is sort of a moron... (harsh, I know, but true.)
I think my feelings would best be summed up in a letter.
A Lola Letter, if you will.
Dear Pete,
(Can I call you Pete?)
A little advice.
The next time you run for governor, I would recommend spending more time showing people what you have to offer as Utah's next governor and less time slandering your opponent. I would recommend this for four reasons:
1. When you spend all of your time talking crap about other people, it tends to send the message that you, yourself don't have anything to offer. You therefore have to divert attention away from your own ineptitude by slinging mud (really skewed, dirty mud) at your opponent. This does not bode well for you.
2. When you spend all of your time talking crap about other people, you tend to remind everyone (democrats, republicans, liberals, you name 'em) of that bum-hole-ish jerk from high school who spread rumors about them that weren't true. And nobody likes that bum-hole-ish jerk from high school who spread rumors about them that weren't true.
3. When you spend all of your time talking crap about other people, namely, your opponent, Gary Herbert, and your opponent DOESN'T RETALIATE by talking crap about you, it makes your opponent look like he is WWJD-ing it up like nobody's business. So, not only have you become the bum-hole-ish jerk from high school, you have also managed to (quite miraculously, in my opinion) make another politician look like Jesus...or at least someone who exemplifies him by turning the other cheek. What a favor you have done him!
4. When I am trying to get my morning Regis and Kelly on, and I have had to watch your ridiculous, condescending, slanderous commercial at least twenty times before Regis has mispronounced the name of his third celebrity guest and/or called Kelly "Kathie-lee" for the tenth time, I am ready to throttle you. If you're such a huge proponent of "more funding for education", why don't you put your money where your mouth is, take the millions of dollars you're spending to slander someone else, and give it to the poor little children of Utah that you're so generously exploiting in your commercials? How's that for an idea? You can thank me later.
Much Love,
(Hey, you asked...)
- Unknown said...
Ah, I love "Ask Lola"! 'Nuff said.
October 21, 2010 at 2:04 PM
- Tezzie said...
Thank you, Anonymous #1 for asking the 'hate the friend's hubby' question...and thank you, Lola, for your honest answer! I can soooo relate to strongly disliking a friend's husband, and am continually surprised that she can't see for herself what a pompous, pretentious ASS he is...and, even though I'd already come to the same conclusion about keeping my opinion to myself, it still feels good to know I'm not the only one in this situation...and that I'm making the right decision by not saying anything to her about it!! :D
October 22, 2010 at 2:37 AM
- Tezzie said...
Ummm...sorry, that was Anonymous #2...I was so excited about seeing the question, I totally jumped over the first one :D LOL!
October 22, 2010 at 2:39 AM
- Andrea, Mrs. said...
Um, I love you. You make me smile so many times you just don't even know.
October 22, 2010 at 10:24 AM
- Aubry Macbean said...
Love the letter to Peter. I totally agree.
October 22, 2010 at 5:05 PM
Do I tell her how I feel, or just keep it to myself?