UPDATE: Ahhh ha ha ha ha ha ha! The blizzard SO did not hit us. We don't even have a full inch on the ground outside. Too funny.
So, A huge blizzard is supposed to hit Oootah in T minus 2 hours and 35 minutes.
It is highly likely that I won't have internet service for a bit.
So I just wanted to make sure I had the chance to say
Happy Thanksgiving!
We'll see you on the other side...of the blizzard, and the holiday, and such.
Happy Thanksgiving 'n' be safe!
Wasn't much of a blizzard, was it?
Happy Thanksgiving!
Ha ha ha ha! Yeah, it totally didn't even hit us! We got about 20 minutes of light wind and snow. It left less than an inch on the ground. I guess Salt Lake got slammed, but those of us on the south end of the valley are left wondering "What's the bid deal?!!!"
Too funny!
(and I'm disappointed, I was ready to hunker down and drink my weight in hot chocolate over the next two days...)
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