Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Guess who's rolling over...

To go from a child who still wasn't rolling over (or crawling, or doing anything other than sitting around the house like a delicious little blob) at TEN months to a child who is easily rolling over at two and a half months... is kinda nuts! And I must say, I find it to be quite refreshing! Like an idiot, I didn't get a shot of him going all the way over on his back. I blame this on the fact that I have the attention span of a goldfish.

Which reminds me: if I have "flaked" on any of you lately, take heart. You are not alone. It has nothing to do with how much I care (or don't care) about you, and everything to do with the fact that 98% of my brain cells are officially fried! How do some moms have five or six or ten kids and maintain any semblance of a sane mind? I am a space cadet like you wouldn't believe! It's frightening, really.
Don't take this the wrong way or anything, but I sort of want to bite his face...


Merrilee said...

Oh I don't take it wrong, I was actually thinking he looks yummy when I read that last statement! He is so cute but I cant believe how fast they grow!

Anonymous said...

Ok that was bad english, sorry!

Blackwell said...

Oh man I want to eat him too! Love these pics and it's so fun to see him learn and grow!