Monday, May 24, 2010

Dear "LOST"

{Random photo, no?}, I'm not even gonna put up a front like I'm all deep and insightful and brilliant and stuff. I'm just gonna come right out and say it.

I still don't get it.


P.S. If all of your characters weren't so darn endearing and easy on the eyes, I might even go so far as to say that all of the time I spent watching you was a waste... but alas, they ARE endearing and really, really, ridiculously good looking (for the most part) so I'm going to have to let it slide.

P.P.S. I totally "called it" on episode two, by the way... Not that this makes me smug or anything...I'm just sayin'.


Kristina P. said...

I thought it was fine. I'm glad it's over.

Ashley said...

I'm still LOST! What the "H"? But whatever... they all end up together and happy. Like Kristina, I'm glad it's over. It was good while it lasted...

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said...

I'm sad to see it go but also relieved. It hurts my brain to think about it too much. Will probably re-watch over the summer. We'll see..


Anonymous said...

WE never got into this show...i can't sit still for 5 minutes for anything except true blood...

Ashley Thalman said...

I am so in love with Jack. There. I said it. This photo does not help my obsession. By the way, my verification word is skarbles. Yep, skarbles.

Nikki Moshier said...

those writers are deep! I was so confused the last couple seasons. But my friend was reading the mesg boards after the final episode and she filled me in on a ton of stuff I was "Lost" about haha. I hope they end up doing a movie and tie up all the loose ends they left!

Serline said...

I don't either. Neither does my hubby, who is way more into it. Distinctly unsatisfying...

Emily said...

I think the whole thing was actually written by someone on drugs. I loved the first two seasons, after that...lame, lame lame. I thought it would redeem itself this season and all that lameness would make sense. Didn't, doesn't, still lame.