Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Lola hits the mountains (Part 7)


The Cabin is called "Moose Ridge" (hence, the plate selection.)

And a little morning stroll...

Celeste's Parents were so wonderful to take the kids on regular hikes and walks (giving the moms a little quiet time to clean up the breakfast mess, chat for a bit, and even read a few pages in our books.) Don't you love it when you can sit in a room with friends and feel completely comfortable not saying a word? We did a lot of that. Group reading sessions. Gotta love 'em.
I love Kortland and Bubs in this photograph.
2 buddies, setting out for adventure.
Does life get any better than this?


Kristina P. said...

I really need to come camping with you guys!

Anonymous said...

So fun! I need an cabin adventure too. That photo of bubs and kort is to die for!
Make sure these post include a part 8 where on your way home you stopped to see your friend Lisa and she was in the midst of a nervous breakdown, totally stessed and angry and just generally unpleasant to be around.
