Sunday, January 18, 2009

I must say, it was a good day.

7:00- wake up
8:15 - drive to 5k
9:10 - run 5k (in about 29 minutes...)
10:00- go back to condo and eat blueberries and oatmeal.
10:30 -shower
12:00 - head out to go shopping
12:01 - sneakily take a bunch of pictures of my cute friends riding in the car on the way to Downeast Outfitters.

12:15 - shop like crazy people.
We found Diesel Jeans for $5.00 at Downeast. They were having a ridiculously fun sale where all of the clearance stuff was an additional 50% off the lowest clearance price. Additional Downeast purchases included a pair of J crew khaki's that I bought for $1.25 and some sunglasses that were $5.00. (yesssss)
3:00 - hit Cafe Rio and eat and eat and eat and eat.
4:00 - take a big, fat nap.
6:00 - wake up from big, fat nap and go shopping some more! Target clearance rack, here we come! Target was amazing as well. They have a TON of stuff on 75% clearance. It's dreamy. You should go.
8:00 something - meet Trevor, Julia, Cash, Kim, and Josh at the hot tub.
yes, that IS my little brother in a speedo.
he's so Euro.
and so very chic.
It was a hilarious night.

11:00 - pick up some Papa John's (mmmmmm....garlic dippy sauce)
12:00 - start blogging.
1:30 - still blogging...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really really am impossibly ugly.