5 more days until my "due date".
isn't that nuts?
i am officially 39 weeks and 3 days pregnant in these photos.
and i have to say, i soooooo love that belly of mine.

and i love that cute little boy that came into our lives almost seven augusts ago...

and i love those gaps in his teeth...

and the hilarious listhp that comes with them...

i love the way he talks and sings to his little brother...

and i love the hubs (aka the photographer) for being my baybuh's daddy.

and i love these (big) little rascals...

sure, they were naughty today. {bella chewed up kort's favorite pencil while bubbuh ate a deck of memory cards...} but, they sure helped the time pass quickly while we waited for our family to grow. so i forgive them.

did i mention how much i loved that dang belly?

and i love summer...

and i love my super white legs (i really do.)

and i loved having a yummy lunch with a girlfriend who is moving far, far away to hawaii in 8 days. i will sure miss her, but am so excited for her new journey.

and i love my bangs... (yeah, i'm deep like that)

and i love that my feet have sort of backed off on the whole "puffing up into hobbit feet and freaking lola out" thing.

i love that kort got to go to a berfday party at jumping jacks today and jump and run and play his little heart out with people that he loves.

and i love how nothing makes a mommy happier than the joy of her own children...

and i love the contrast of cool, green grass mingled with hot summer air...

and i just love life. i know that summer pregnancies are hot, and crazy, and sometimes sort of physically miserable...but i have loved it just the same.
am i excited to go into labor? yes.
am i excited to finally meet this sweet little stranger? most definitely.
can i "wait" to have him? sure can.
and i'll tell you why.
i have waited too long for this belly to take one minute of it for granted.
i'm going to savor every internal wiggle.
i'm going to be grateful for every tired, swollen day.
i'm going take this special time to shower my 6 year old with my undivided attention.
and i'm not going to waste a single moment of this precious time wishing he was already here or that things were different in any way.
OF COURSE i am excited to meet him,
but i am more than happy to LOVE the wait.
You seriously look just beautiful and radiant.
What an amazing amount of LOVE <3.
And, seriously, that's the cutest full term baby bump I've ever seen!! At full term with my 2, you needed a crane to get me up off the grass (if I by some misfortune had ended up down there ;D)
I love these photographs! You all look so happy and you are radiant, Laura. All best wishes for the final few days of your pregnancy.
Lovely, lovely post, Lola! I just love your outlook about loving the wait and savoring every moment.
So excited for you and your family!
Amazingly beautiful photos and beautiful post :). Only 5 days? Wow :) I hope the labour goes magically for you :)
These are probably the most fabulous maternity shots I've ever seen. :) Love the colors, and all the smiles!
You are so beautiful Lola! Super, super, super excited for you! Oh my goodness. I love that you are savoring every moment! Why rush thru? : )
you are so gorgeous! how exciting! keep me updated...i can't wait to see him!
This is so nice! So many women complain and complain near the end of pregnancy. This is great, thanks Laura!
what a precious post! your gorgeous white legs which are quite shapely and cute bangs and cute son and great dogs--life is so good!!!!!
new baby Bob coming soon!
You forgot to say you love me?! haha, jk. I'm glad you are enjoying your last few days of pregnancy because once that little baby bob comes out he will be turning one before you know it! Time goes by a lot slower when the baybee's are baken'!
Beautiful post. Congratulations!
You are gorgeous!
What a sweet post, Lola! I'm so glad you are able to savor up every last minute of your pregnancy!
I really love the pictures here. You are a stunning, glowing momma of more than one :)
I hope I can experience that too someday.
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