So tell us, Lola, what kind of "feel" were you going for here?
Great question, imaginary home-decor blog interviewer! I wanted this nursery to look and feel as clean and fresh as possible. I hate clutter, and therefore wanted decorations to be sparse. I also wanted every piece of furniture included in the room to be functional. (You guys really like it when people use the word functional in their design strategy breakdowns, yes? Well, there it is. I wanted the room to be functional. Functional, functional, functional with a capital "F" baby!)
I love the wall color, what hue is that?
It's actually "ColorPlace" paint from good ol' Walmart. The color is called "Wading Pool." I picked ColorPlace paint because (as everyone in "the biz" already knows) it is the very highest standard of quality in the design world... okay, actually it's because it's costs $13.88 a gallon. That's one third the cost of Home Depot's "Behr" brand... (which, is probably leaps and bounds "better than" the cheap stuff, but to tell you the truth, I don't think my walls could tell the difference...) so um, money talked. I wanted the blue to be bright and fun and to somewhat resemble a refreshing swimming pool. I LOVE the robin's egg and turquoise trends that are popping up everywhere lately, and I LOVE the result!
Where did you get that cute orange pillow?
It was $4.99 at Target.
Where did you get those DARLING dog silhouette paintings?
I made them. I bought 2 "3 packs" of 16x20 canvases at Robert's Crafts with a 40% off coupon. So, it cost right around $20 for 6 canvases (I have two left over for projects I have planned for Kortland's room) I painted 3 white and 1 black and then googled "free dog silhouette clip art" and found the one you see here. This little pup looks just like our dog Bella. I thought that would be fitting for the baby's room since Bella WORSHIPS Kortland and will no doubt worship Baby Bob as well. I printed out 4 silhouettes on photopaper, painted them black or white, glued them to the canvases and sprayed the junk out of them with a protective glaze by "folkart" ($3.75 for a large can at Robert's) I LOVE the look of unframed canvas, so we hung them "as is" and I am really happy with them!!!
And what about the sunburst mirror?
I really wanted a fun, modern feel in the nursery, and sunburst mirrors are both of those things. I also thought the baby would enjoy staring at it after waking up from his naps. The cost of a sunburst mirror online or in stores was the equivalent of what we spent on our entire nursery, so buying one outright wasn't an option. I found great diy instructions for one here at apartment therapy. And so I made it! It cost $11 total. Score!
Where did you get your curtains?
I got them at IKEA for $17 a set. I can't stand regular closet doors, so I always get two sets of curtains. One set for the window and one for the closet. These ones are actually shower curtains, but I loved the look of the rings at the top better than anything they had in the "actual curtains" department. They were a steal of a deal, but I wouldn't recommend them for two reasons.
1. They come REALLY long and un-hemmed so you have to measure, cut, and hem them yourself. Too much work. (Boo to that.)
and 2. The fabric is SUPER wrinkly and hard to iron. I ironed these babies for over two hours and they still don't look as nice as I'd like them to. I love how they look in the room, and loved the price tag even more, but consider yourself warned, they are a BEAST to get prepped.
I love the rocking chair, where did you get it?
I bought it at a yard sale for $2 over 6 years ago! Every time we have moved, the hubs has looked at me like, "Seriously...for reals?" when I insisted that it move with us from place to place, but I just loved it, and I couldn't get over what an exciting deal it was. It's like a trophy to me. It was a cute, vintage cream color, but that wouldn't match the rest of the nursery, so I sprayed it bright white. Did you know you can get cans of "ColorPlace" spray paint at Walmart for just .92 cents a can? Yay! This took two cans. The pillow was made with fabric from IKEA (oh, their fabric is simply glorious... glorious I tell you!!! I felt like a kid in a candy store.) It was $7 a yard. Insane.
And I see you are a fan of vinyl lettering.
No. I actually sort of hate it. (No offense or anything ya'll) I can't believe I used it in my little dude's nursery, but when I read that quote (at yes, Robert's Crafts again) I literally laughed out loud. (If you saw Kortland's bath water every night, you would understand why.) Truer words were never spoken, I swear! It HAD to be a part of our nursery. At this point in the process, it was way easier to just buy the existing medium rather than come up with and paint/print/make a sign with the quote on my own. I was tired ya'll. (And seriously, I LOVE how it turned I guess I'm something of a vinyl lettering convert!)
Well, Lola thank you so much for giving us a peek into your nursery. I have to say, it is simply divine with capital D!
No, Thank YOU made-up (aka non-existent, imaginary, not real) home-decor-blog-interviewer! The pleasure was all mine for sure!
Um, pretty sure ya'll should best leave me some love on this one! I'm just sayin' heart and soul went into this sucker...are you really going to be so cruel as to NOT leave some comment love when a swollen pregnant girl's heart and soul is on the line? I think not ;) Love you!
So, finishing mah baybuh's nursery is what I did all day, what did you do? The girls at CG want to know! Link up and tell us mmmkay?!

Oh, man, that room is gorgeous!! It almost makes me want to have a baby. :)
very,very nice work on everything in that nursery!! I likes reading the interview as well!! :D
Your nursery is just gorgeous, Lola! I love the colors and how you poured your heart and soul into preparing for little Bob's arrival. Your boys (including your husband!) are so lucky to have you. You're such a great mommy!
Oooooh!!! The details...and the deals! A stunning nursery...and if some home decor mag doesn't contact you for real, shame on them! You're brilliant :D
And, oh, I love that boy quote; very apt! (but defines our little girl perfectly as well ;D)
Really lovely nursery - and so nice to have all those little hand-made touches. I love the boy quote!
Love it! That blue color is super cool with the orange touches.
I LOVE it! Those colors are perfect together. And I'm no fan of vinyl lettering either, but I put a quote up in my girls' room. That definition you have up is hilarious! Great job :)
It is so beautiful! You did the BEST job ever! I love, love, LOVE it!
Everything looks awesome.
Way to go.
I especially love the vinyl lettering that you detest!
I don't know why every one of my friends little tracker thingies says I'm from Bountiful! I live in Provo, tracker people!!!
Anyway, I love the room. Like LOVE LOVE. The colors are crisp and fantastic. It does look very clean and functional. Everything from the pillows to the chair to the art work to the mirror - they are just perfect. :) I do have to say, like everyone else, I love the saying. My girlfriend bought the same saying for my boys room (but ours was much smaller). :) I think it's perfect for any little boy.
Congrats on finishing and good luck with a speedy, easy delivery. :)
I LOVE it! Wow, it looks so perfect and wonderful... great job!
(I really like all the cheap finds, too! ha!)
Now we just need to add the baby- yay!
I love it! Want to design my girls' room for me! I struggle with that kind of thing.
It is great. My favorite part? No bumper pads. Really? Yes, really. Well, that and the blue walls! Huzzah!
I have fallen in love with your nursery!! Lola, you are indeed a talented woman!! if I were you, I would be on cloud nine!!!!
If I had lots of money to spend, I would hire you as my interior decorator. Just sayin.
Love it, love it, love it.
What a fabulous job you did! I love it. My favorite part is the sunburst mirror! So great.
Love. It.
for reals. Cannot wait to meet the baby it belongs to.
I agree about vinyl lettering but that is to die for! Ha!
Good work dude! CAN NOT wait to meet Baby Bob. What a lucky guy!
I love IKEA. The pillow fabric on the chair is awesome. I love the room, it's perfect.
I love it!! What a beautiful room for your baby!
Love the color, love the room. Can't wait to meet the new little one. See you all in August! (or September). Sending love and best wishes (and gifts)!!!
Ooooh I just love it!! Wanna decorate my boys rooms for me? ;)
I love it Lola! Can I copy, for a grown up room of course, (no new babies for me)I am excited for your new little one.
Your little dude will be the luckiest kid in town! Gorgeous nursery...
I love the colors!!!!!
So sophisticated! I LOVE IT!
I actually feature real nurseries on my site and would love to feature yours! Let me know if that's ok.
You've put together a gorgeous nursery :) . Love your artwork and the qoute! lol.
The room looks fabulous. You did a great job. I love the sunburst mirror.
Thank you for visiting my blog and taking your time to write comment.
I love how clean and fresh it looks. We have similar styles. Thanks for sharing!
beautiful nursery you made for your little angel. :)
I can't wait to see that it is filled with life.
Wow, lady! Can you please come give me some decoration advice? This nursery is gorgeous, almost as gorgeous as the little man in it.
Love his name, by the way. Are you a poetry fan?
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