it was awesome. totally a.w.e.s.o.m.e.
but it has come to my attention that one very special thing was missing...

There was delicious food...

And cute party favors for all of my guests...

And more good food...

and there were cute babies, and pretty moms, and polka dot balloons...

and there were even these amazing little photo cubes (featuring the Kortmeister and Yours Truly...) hanging from trees and umbrellas all over the backyard! Can I just say I love Nancy and her awesomely talented photo-shopping ways so much that it hurts? There. I said it. Also, she has been cancer free for THREE years (and not two like I said in the previous post). We are so darn proud of her! Yay Nancy!

And there were friends. Lots of dear, wonderful friends who are barrels of fun and who are AMAZING little baby shoppers who gifted me with just piles and piles of darling, thoughtful, and very useful things! Who could even ask for more than that? (I'll tell you who, ME. That's WHO!)

"Well, what more could you POSSIBLY want?!" (You may ask... and I certainly wouldn't blame you for asking...)
How about one of these?
Why on earth didn't anyone think to get me one of these?
I mean, seriously.
I want to be able to drink 64 ounces of water, and then giggle my booty off while jumping on the trampoline, without having "one little drizzle!"
In fact, that is my very definition of a happy, fulfilling life! (Isn't it yours?)
So, seriously, what's up with no "Myself" people?
Their introductory video had me laughing so hard that I realized I definitely needed one...
but Target doesn't even offer it on their baby registry!
What's up with that?
So...if you missed my shower, but still wanted to get me a little something...
there's a subtle hinty hinty for ya.
PS. Thanks so much to Nancy, Mary Lee, and all of my awesome friends who came out to celebrate with me! Even though I did NOT receive a "Myself" trainer as a baby shower gift, it simply can't over-shadow the fact that I m one blessed girl with some seriously wonderful friends and family! ;)
girl, how are you!? how long do you have left? are you ready to have this baby or what? i know i am. at least physically. somehow i still have so much to get done. ugh. and are you hypnobirthing again? i would love to hear what "worked" for you- i really really really hope it all pans out for me, but it's looking like i'm going to be induced in the end. hmm. anyway, i hope you're doing GREAT!! your shower looks like it was DARLIng. and lets just get each other the anti-pants-peeing thingy. it looks awesome for sure. haha!
oh yea! oh yea! and i saw ashley posted the most freaking beautiful maternity shot of you and Kort!!!!! i am DYING to see the rest, you look aaaamazing!
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