Saturday, April 24, 2010

in the garden.

What a crazy Saturday. I stayed up late last night and was very tired this morning, but it didn't matter. We had a big day ahead of us no matter how tired I felt. I began calling some of my closest friends in the ward and recruiting their husbands. Kyle had to move some 100 boxes (full of the worst, heaviest things possible - yep, books) out of his parents' basement. It was huge bummer. I felt very sorry that I couldn't help him, and really didn't want him to do it alone. I was SO GRATEFUL to my awesome neighbors who happily came to the rescue to help him out. With 5 strong guys on the job, it still took over an hour. That means that Kyle would have been at it for 5 hours on his own...and he probably would have ended up at the hospital afterward! Sheesh. So, when the job was done, and Kort was happily playing at a neighbors, I decided to sneak back into bed. It was great. I slept for three hours. When I woke up, I went into my kitchen, ate my weight in Marshmallow Mateys, then turned my attention to the mountain of dishes that had piled up over the last 4 days.(Yeah, 4 days. Totally gross. I know.) But right as I started, I saw two very cute, very focused boys playing in the garden. And I thought: "Dishes can wait."
They were digging a mote.
It was very serious work. (I love the dirt crusted on his knee.)
They tossed unsuspecting worms that they unearthed along the way into the rhubarb plant "to have some lunch."
I loved feeling the warm sun on my face and watching two adventurous boys put big plans into action.
I looked looking over the sleepy, old, crusty garden and imagined how beautiful it could be this summer with just a little bit of encouragement. I think that I need to have a garden this year. I need to walk around in it barefoot and pregnant eating peas straight out of the pod. I think "need" is a fair word in this particular case.
The new, brightly colored shovels (with Target "dollar spot" tags still dangling from their wooden handles) made me really happy for reasons I can't exactly put my finger on.
Then Kort happened upon a snail. I love snails. When I was a little girl living in Las Vegas, my favorite part of every morning was going out on the back patio to help the few remaining snails (you know, the ones who hadn't been smart enough to get off of the pavement before sunrise) into the shade. I remember thinking that the tapestry of silvery, sparkle-y trails they'd woven in the middle of the night were nothing short of magical. Snails are just so nice. So pleasant. Sure, they eat leaves and ruin gardens and it's kind of rude...but they don't know any better. I personally would rather have a hole-y garden full of snails than an immaculate one with no little slimy guys at all.

Kortland picked up the snail and said "I'm gonna kiss it!"
To which his friend replied "Ew, sick!"
(The EXACT reaction I happen to know that Kort was looking for)
And kiss it he did.
I'm glad I'm not the only nutter in this family who happens to like snails.
Then Kort put his new little buddy up on the garden fence so he would be safe from the lethal slice of a misguided target dollar shovel, and got back to work.
We don't have a lot of money, but having my own little slice of earth where snails can roam, dogs can poop, and my child can, run, play, build, create, and repeatedly muddy himself beyond recognition makes me feel very, very rich indeed.
I think Kort would agree...
and so would the snail.


michelle said...

Love the snail and little boy pics in the lovely garden! They are some really good photos!!!

Sarah said...

I love gardens! I haven't had one in several years and have planted one this spring. Matthew also happens to be digging a mote right now too :) He loves finding snails and worms and wants to keep them all as pets!

Natasha Ireland said...

Oh no you may dis own me after what I have to say. I HATE SNAILS. They are BEYOND discusting creatures. Next to Grasshoppers they have got to be the worlds nastiest. sickest, grosses things. Today I had on some serious heels and was in my drive way when I heard a HUGE LOUD CRACK under my foot. Lo and behold I had stepped on one of those ill forsaken things and smashed it to pieces, I about had a seizure over how DISCUSTING it was...I'm still shaking over it.

C Stevens said...

I am sorry, I don't share your love for snails. Whom ever lived here before I did must have been breading them. When I find them, I either put them in a bag in the trash or toss them into the road. I usually find 20-30 in my front flower bed after every rain. I can bring you a bag full of them this spring if you would like.

Blackwell said...

Haha, I love the close up of the snail with Kort in the background! I think my favorite snail is Spongebob's pet Gary ;D

Mandy said...

I love the snail pictures! :) They are something that need to be framed and put up in a little boy bedroom. :)

We pulled a lot of big trees / bushes from our yard last year and it left a big dirt hill. It has been the best kid attractor / dirtier EVER! :) We were planning on planting sod, but the kids loved it so much that now we just have a dirt hill in the back yard. :)

Rachel said...

I love watching my boys play in the dirt, nothing makes me happier than seeing that "ring" in the tub after they've had a bath! It's the sign of happy kids if you ask me!

Stacey 18 said...

I have two boys who love to play dirty games. Great blog.