Wow, so that was a fairly controversial post - I actually would have gladly trumped/buried it a few days ago with any number of cute pictures dug out of the good ole Kortland Baby Archives, but alas, I have been swamped! Final word regarding that whole hot mess of an argument? Okay, well here it is: I have many loved ones who have suffered with (and are successfully living with) depression, and I felt that their voices should be heard and their lives and inherent goodness should be defended and celebrated. I also think that the religious beliefs of every person on this planet should be honored and respected, even if they are not beliefs that you or I personally hold dear.That's all. (Oh, and I'm a little sassy. Sorry about that, I'm working on it...)
Now, onto something really positive and fun - I am loving Communal Global! Ah! *squeal!* For the past week we have enjoyed photographic contributions from women hailing from:
Norway, Las Vegas, The Bahamas, Utah (holla!), Germany, and Philadelphia!
2 short days ago, our JAPAN representative joined in!
and now, guess what!? Next Monday we are welcoming on the rest of our crew. These women are from:
South Africa, Dubai, Hong Kong, Canada, and the South (a.k.a Georgia)! Woot woot! I told our Southern Gal that the South was pretty much it's own country anyway - so we'd LOVE a lil' peek into her world, now wouldn't we? (Plus, they are all great photographers, so it is just going to be more and more and more fun!)
So do me a favor and go check it out! Become a follower. All of the other contributors have lots of friends following, and I need to represent yo! Make a Communal Global button and put it on your blog! Get involved with this fun opportunity to see how women live around the world!
Have you ever noticed that we sometimes tend to flock to negativity and controversy yet may passively overlook things that are good, positive, and beautiful? It's something that I do (obviously). So hey, hows 'bout helping me shake off some of the argumentative negativity that is plaguing my blog by balancing it out with something super nice and happy?
You can help! Leave a happy comment here like:
"Yay Communal Global!" or "I love kittens and rainbows!" or "chocolate and peanut butter rock!" or "Hug a puppy today!" or "I love shoes!"
(You get the idea.) I need to beat 35 comments in order to properly balance the chi of my blog - so don't leave me hangin, okay? (Seriously, leave a happy-ment! I get 200-300 hits a day... it would be nice to know who my blog buddies are!) I would bribe you with carrot cake cupcakes... but I don't think I have the energy to make them just yet, so just do it out of the goodness of your hearts, mmmmmkay?
Well, peanut butter & chocolate DO go well together, and yes, the new communal global blog is so fun. All the photographers do a beautiful job and it's neat to see what people are doing in different parts of the world.
I'm all for the good in life. Like Dove chocolate, happy babies, my hot husband, wonderful women co-ops and of course great photos from really women around the world!
I love the new blog and I have to say that anything chocolate is just awesome!!!
Green is keen.
Yay Communal Global! Hehe!
Seriously, come check it out. It's been a lot of fun! Lots of pictures of food to whet your appetite! ;)
Very interesting to read about and see pictures of, I enjoy the communal global!!
and have you tried oreos dipped in peanut butter?.....mmmmm
Thank you Lola!
I love that snow in DC has gotten my husband an extra 4 days off work to be stuck at home to help feed, snuggle, bath, dress, and build towers for our little one to knock down! Snow days are the best!
I really love reading the communal global blog! It's so fun :)
I think you are great! Miss you. ;)
You have the most adorable son- I can't wait to see the little cutie coming up next!
My Great-Grandma always says "The world would be nothing without babies and flowers"... Two of the happiest things in the world I think... :)
I love love love this little blog of yours and I love communal global too! Keep it up... They both brighten my days!!!!
Carrot cake cupcakes with cream cheese frosting? Mmmmm! (I don't even like cake, but carrot cake is pretty amazing)
I love what you have on your sidebar:
"Like a 3rd grade pen pal, only better."
I think you hit the nail on the head! I used to have lots of pen pals, too and Communal Global is just like that, "only better." :)
I love chubby, chuncky babies.
I love to read your blog!
Kristi :)
Happy Happy Joy Joy!!! I just got back from Disneyland How much happier is that? It is the happiest place on earth right? Now, no negative comments on why it is NOT the happiest place please. I just love it. Again...Happy Happy Joy, Joy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You're so pretty!
Chi...Onward and Upward, go forth good chi.
Your hubby's sister is so pretty too. Your lucky to have such a pretty sis-in-law.
Oh, wait that sounded weird, I am his sister. Love your blog. Spread the Happy!!!
Are we upping the number on good chi yet?
You're a great photographer.
I like hanging out with Laura because............. She doesn't make me feel creepy for...liking to watch mindless T.V.
I like hanging out with Laura because............She doesn't make me feel creepy for...waiting 5 years to get on the twilight bandwagon.
I like hanging out with Laura because.......She doesn't make me feel creepy...for secret-ly still NOT liking the mean girl from high school. Hello 20 years? Can we let it go?
I like hanging out with Laura because.....she doesn't make me feel creepy for....making lots of comments so the good chi goes up.
I like hanging out with Laura because....she doesn't make me feel creepy for.....calling her too late or too early just to vent about frivolous things to make myself feel better.
Thanks Laura for being a good friend. Keep up the good blog, love to read it, and love your new one with everyone from around the globe.
You are such an amazing Woman, Mama, Wife, and all of the other titles you use throughout your daily life. Great post!
I just wanted to let you know that I am one of your blog stalkers-- and I love it!!! love love!
~Your BFF from the crazy 80's concert :)
Jill Christensen
I stumbled on your blog and enjoy reading and am very excited about the communal global blog! I choose uplifting over otherwise so thanks for being that!!
Ok. So I guess all my other crazy happy posts didn't up the chi number here we go again.. Why I like hanging out with Laura...Let me count the ways...
I like hanging out with Laura because she doesn;t make feel creepy for....posting to her blog a million times.
I like hanging out with Laura because she doesn't make me feel creepy for....eating chocolates milkshakes everynight right before bed. Wow how healthy is that???
I like hanging out with Laura because she doesn't make me feel creepy for....Telling her she is pretty.
I like hanging out with Laura because she doesn't make me feel creepy for....being a neurotic sis-in law.
I like hanging out with Laura because she doesn't make me feel creepy for....thinking she is a great mom because she embraces all the hard things along with all the good and doesn't feel like her son is locked into being loud and burping the alphabet. Note the 3 smiley faces. More to come I am sure.
I like hanging out with Laura because she doesn't make me feel creepy for....Telling her she is a great mom, or blogging that that she is a great mom.
I like hanging out with Laura because she doesn't make me feel creepy for....Posting to her blog to make the chi be HAPPY... Here is a post from the blog: I loved this post..It is titled: Sometimes I Forget!!!
When the boys finally went down for their naps today I stopped to remember how lucky I am. Today they have done NOTHING I have asked of them and have done everything I have ever asked them NOT to do.
There was a time I longed for a misbehaving child. I begged God for a crying, teething toddler. I prayed for sleepless nights spent caring for my children. I have been given exactly what I asked for. God answered my prayers.
Sometimes I forget. Sometimes I get frustrated with my kids. I then stop and say to myself, you are a mom. A mom who does not have to get up every morning to go to work. A mom who may still be in her pajamas at 11:00 a.m. because I have spent the morning cooking breakfast, changing diapers, wiping noses, cleaning up spills, playing with tractors and matchbox cars.
I am blessed. I am a mom. Exactly what I longed to be.
Checked out and loving community global. Will be a follower of that one as well!
You are amazing.
The kids in my ward have a favorite song - it's Follow the Prophet.
Nancy is pretty much awesome.
Kortland is a doll.
Hooray for Prego Belly Pictures.
Pregnancy pictures make my day.
I love cake batter, hot rolls, Ice cream on a warm brownie, sweet hugs from little Max and sincere kisses from Curtis. I love sunny days, spring flowers, fast slides and the beach. I love long talks with friends, childhood memories and giggling. I love a good book and a warm soft bed. I love adventure, traveling and meeting new people. I love to read about things that make you happy too.
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