Tuesday, July 8, 2008

meme tag from natasha

I don't technically know what a "meme tag" actually is, but I'm assuming that I am supposed take photos of the same things that Natasha had on her blog...? So here it is. I am also assuming that I am not allowed to clean up or change anything - so be warned, this could get ugly!
My Kitchen Sink
I'm hating my kitchen right now - pretty soon this sink won't even exist because it's very next on the "remodel" list...but for now, here it is in all it's glory! (As luck would have it, I saw natasha's tag on the one morning that I had actually done the breakfast dishes...yesssssssss!)

My Favorite Room in the House
I really enjoy my family room. I guess because I love having friends packed in there. My kitchen will probably my favorite once it is remodeled since I love to cook...but for now, the living room takes it. (P.s. Yeah, our carpet is BADLY in need of a good shampooing!)
My Fridge

Yeah...you can kinda tell I haven't been cooking much lately! Yogurt, milk, juice, guacamole, ziplocked pancakes and condiments - pretty exciting!
My Laundry Pile
(No photo availiable)
Sorry, I don't have a pic, I did it all yesterday...it was amazingly massive though - in case you were wondering. I hate laundry, and I seriously wait until we have nothing to wear before finally getting around to it!
My Favorite Shoes

Top to Bottom, Left to right:
1. My favorite California thrift store find. Yes, they are very green - but I loved the cool buckle and the shape of the heel. (I also loved the $3 price tag.) 2. These are my "yummy" shoes. They are satin and velvet and I love love love 'em. 3. My gardening crocs. 4. Probably my most favorite shoe of all time. They are "Antonio Melani's" that I got on sale at Dillard's like, 3 years ago. I wish I had bought 5 pairs because I've worn them to death and they are still on of my favorite pairs of heels. 5. Like, $5 Mexico flip flops that my awesome sis-in-law (Nancy) got for me when we went on our cruise. I stayed on the boat with the kids (I hate shopping in Mexico) while she and her hubby and Kyle went shopping, so she brought me back a little "prize" and I wear them more than any other shoe in my closet. 6. My mom bought these little babies, and the shape of the heel made it hard for her to wear them, so she gave them to me and I love 'em! I wear these a lot too - I mostly just slip them on with jeans. They are a couple of years old too, and people still stop me all the time and ask me where I got them.
My Closet
(No photo available...again.)
Sorry! I forgot to take a picture of it, and I really don't want to load photos onto my computer a second time! In case you are really curious, it is overly full, and 100% boring/disorganized :)
What my Kid is doing right now.
Kort and his cousin, Royce, playing with Bella "Roo" Dugovic
My most recent Purchase
(The best $90 I have spent in a very long time!)
Self Portrait
Special thanks go out to the intense flash on my camera so you can't see how bad I actually look at 10:00 a.m.! Nice.
I am now Tagging:
Linz James, Emily, Celeste, Kristen and Sharese :) have fun!

1 comment:

Celeste said...

Whee! I LOVE those green shoes! $3! Are you kidding?