Thursday, March 27, 2008

Poor Baby...

Easter Bummer!
Kortland was SO excited to spend the afternoon on Easter Sunday with all of his HEADLEE cousins at Grandma's in Cedar Hills, but only 30 minutes after our arrival he sprained his knee on the trampoline! We were very worried because he would not stop crying and didn't want anyone to touch him. We've never seen him like that before! He's the type of kid who could practically have his arm fall off and would still KEEP playing! We put him in Gaga's bed and were debating whether or not we should take him to the Emergency room, but he fell asleep 15 minutes later and we decided to just stay there for the night and take him for X- rays the next morning. My Aunt Elaine brought over an awesome bag of fun things for him to do, and he did great that night. The next morning, Papo drove us to Dr. Harris's to get X-rays done and Thankfully nothing was broken! What a RELIEF! He sprained it pretty bad, and has not been able to walk on it, but things have gotten better and better each day! Here are pitures of him resting in his bed and talking to his Papo on the phone. Kort is blessed to have so many people that love him so much! He has had lots of calls and visitors and he was thrilled that the BAN on weekday nintendo was lifted to accommodate all of his additional downtime. We have been very busy trying to find fun things to do despite his bum leg! We sure love him a lot, and we're sad that he has had to go through this, but we're so grateful for the time we've had to care for him and have quiet bonding time at home!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

P.S. If you look through my blog, there are a few people from Emery County that I know that blog, like Cammie Peacock Dugovic and a few others, it is so fun to read about their lives and where they are at and everything. I am so glad that I can always look to see what you are up to.